
Showing posts from March, 2020

Top 5 Countries with highest Gender Equality

In the 21st Century,we have seen certain stereotypes changing and that too for good.The things which are now improving in many nations are still considered as taboo in some countries.One of such things is Gender Equality which is an everlasting debating topic and also varies from nation to nation. Today we will look at the top 5 countries which has achieved Gender Equality. 1.Iceland This beautiful country is at the top of the Gender Equality Report. The small island ranks No. 1 in several of the measures used to create the Index including equal wages for work, share of women who work in the professional and technical sectors and political participation.The Icelandic women are in active participation in almost every field which is a good sign for a healthy nation. 2.Norway This country comes just one rank below Iceland i.e. on 2nd rank.  Like Iceland, Norway has historically been considered among the best countries for gender equality.   More women than men work in prof

Best Colleges for Gender Studies

Education is the key to a Civilization as it is what makes us humans civilized. So to know more about Gender Equality we must study about the subject and to do so we need to find out about certain courses related to Gender Studies along with best colleges.So given are some of the best courses for Gender Studies. 1.SOAS University of London One of the best universities for Gender Studies as they offer a wide range of courses related to Gender Studies such as: MA Gender Studies MA Gender Studies with special reference to the Middle East MA Gender Studies and Law MA Gender and Sexuality MA Gender and Sexuality with special reference to the Middle East PhD Gender Studies SOAS is a remarkable institution. With our vast knowledge and expertise on our specialist regions, we are uniquely placed to inform and shape current thinking about the economic, political, cultural and religious challenges of our world. 2.University of Gothenburg The University of Gothenbu

Top moments when Gender Equality claimed Victory

Gender Equality means both men and women enjoy same rights,opportunities and resources.This does not mean that they both should be treated exactly alike.There should be a concept of free flow and everyone should collaborate with one another irrespective of gender. These are modern times and the stereotypes which are promoted by the societies from the past cannot work now.So to know more about this topic let us look at some instances where both genders played equal roles. 1.During Mexico Earthquake in 2017 When mexico was hit by a massive earthquake which left hundreds dead followed by utter destruction,it was women leadership which came forward through Mexico's women fund named Semilla  which has  been building a powerful movement of grassroots women’s groups across the country for 25 years. This was a great example of gender equality. 2.Good step for Saudi Women Although still not fully independent Saudi women have got a little bit of freedom as the country has ma

Top 5 Countries with highest Gender Inequality

The problem of Gender Inequality is still prevalent in our world.It is a rather surprising fact but it is true and sad also to know this still exist in the 21st Century.We are gonna look at 5 such countries where the gender inequality index is very high. 1.Yemen Yemen is a well known Arab Country because of the crude oil production just like the other Arab countries, but when it comes to Women empowerment and Gender Equality it lags behind other nations. Women in Yemen  have historically been placed at a disadvantage due to their sex with a highly patriarchal society. Yemen was ranked 149 in the 2018 Gender Inequality Index. The reason for this situation among Yemeni women can be because of illiteracy in their country. 2.Iraq The condition is not so well as we know the sequence of events happening in the country since the start of 21st Century. Due to the war like situations in the country h undreds of thousands of Iraqi women are widowed. Iraq held 147th rank in Gender I

Top Leaders who fought for Gender Equality in India

There are many examples of people who fought for equal rights for both the genders. Since it is very evident in our country from the past and is still present, let us look at some of the great people who fought against gender inequality. 1.Jyotirao Govindrao Phule(1827-1890) One of the most renowned activist and reformer in India who worked for the welfare of women in India. He along with his wife started schools for girls and he also advocated widow remarriage.                                       2.Raja Ram Mohan Roy(1774-1833) Ram Mohan Roy created the Bramho Samaj that sought to break the shackles of the caste system and the fight against Sati that saved the lives of many women. He also advocated for property rights for women and fought against child marriage.                                 3.Dr. BR Ambedkar(1891-1956) Often cited as the architect of Indian Constitution and also a patron of equal status of Dalits in Indian Society. Apart