Top 5 Countries with highest Gender Inequality

The problem of Gender Inequality is still prevalent in our world.It is a rather surprising fact but it is true and sad also to know this still exist in the 21st Century.We are gonna look at 5 such countries where the gender inequality index is very high.

Yemen is a well known Arab Country because of the crude oil production just like the other Arab countries, but when it comes to Women empowerment and Gender Equality it lags behind other nations.Women in Yemen have historically been placed at a disadvantage due to their sex with a highly patriarchal society. Yemen was ranked 149 in the 2018 Gender Inequality Index. The reason for this situation among Yemeni women can be because of illiteracy in their country.

The condition is not so well as we know the sequence of events happening in the country since the start of 21st Century. Due to the war like situations in the country hundreds of thousands of Iraqi women are widowed. Iraq held 147th rank in Gender Inequality Index in 2018. There are several Women Rights Organizations working for the improvement of Iraqi women in the present times be it in education,workplace or in other spheres of life.

The same case as of Iraq but much more brutal we can say as we all know about ISIS which had occupied much of the area of Syria and did genocides across the country. Syria had 146th Rank in Gender Inequality Index. Women in Syria constitute 49.4% of Syria's population and were active participants in socio-econimic fields before the war broke out. After the war rape,violence and honor killings have been done by extremist terrorists.

With a ranking of 148 in Gender Inequality Index Pakistan is in this list but this is strange as women in Pakistan have held high offices including that of the Prime MinisterSpeaker of the National AssemblyLeader of the Opposition, federal ministers, judges and serving commissioned posts in the armed forces. There is rampant domestic abuse and a high rate of child marriages and forced marriages in the country as it follows sharia law along with the constitution which makes it difficult for administration.

Afghanistan holds a ranking of 142 in Gender Inequality Index. There was a time when Afghanistan was a progressive nation and Women enjoyed equal rights as men but soon things changed because of the Taliban regime which unleashed terror throughout the nation making it backward. Ever since the Taliban regime was removed in late 2001, women's rights have gradually improved under the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan but there are still complicated reactions from the rural societies.

All of these have suffered War at some phase of time which can be a reason for this Gender Discrimination but still they can improve their situation and achieve Gender Equality by making Women independent.


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