General Stereotypes about Men and Women

We live in a very advanced and dynamic world these days and that is why societies have also changed but still we see that there are stereotypes present around us. These stereotypes exist for both the genders be it male or female. Today we are going to talk about some of these stereotypes. Given below is a list of such common stereotypes.

1.Personality: This is a very common stereotype found in our society as most of us think that a woman must be emotional and sensitive while men are supposed to be confident and aggressive. This is not true at all as we know that men too are emotional and can also be sensitive at times. Every individual has his/her own personality traits and he/she is supposed to behave accordingly. There should not be any type of guidelines for them to follow and also being emotional and sensitive is not a bad thing it is very natural.

2.Domestic Responsibilities: People think that women should do all the household works like cooking, taking care of the children and cleaning the house whereas men are looked upon as the head of the family who will take care of the finances, repair the car and other household things. We all know that this stereotype too is fake and there are families out there without a male head and being taken care of by a female and there are those families also where we have househusbands instead of housewives.

3.Job Profiles: People normally believe that teachers and nurses are women whereas pilots, engineers and doctors are men. This stereotype is also busted as we know that many females are doctors and engineers that too very successful ones. We have very successful women pilots throughout our country. There are male teachers and nurses also.

4.Physical traits: Women are generally expected to be graceful and thin while men should be tall and muscular. This general stereotype has made life very chaotic in the society as everybody want to become good looking and alpha male or female of the society. It is not written anywhere that men should be muscular, it is just a belief and beliefs should change with time. There are men with short height out here what are they supposed to do then and women who are fat are also out there. See no one is perfect and this is a universal fact which we should accept and move on in our lives.

These exaggerated gender stereotypes can make relationships between people difficult. Extreme gender stereotypes are harmful because they don’t allow people to fully express themselves. Breaking down gender stereotypes allows everyone to be their best selves. So be the best version of yourself by fighting of these stereotypes.


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