
Showing posts from April, 2020

General Stereotypes about Men and Women

We live in a very advanced and dynamic world these days and that is why societies have also changed but still we see that there are stereotypes present around us. These stereotypes exist for both the genders be it male or female. Today we are going to talk about some of these stereotypes. Given below is a list of such common stereotypes. 1.Personality: This is a very common stereotype found in our society as most of us think that a woman must be emotional and sensitive while men are supposed to be confident and aggressive. This is not true at all as we know that men too are emotional and can also be sensitive at times. Every individual has his/her own personality traits and he/she is supposed to behave accordingly. There should not be any type of guidelines for them to follow and also being emotional and sensitive is not a bad thing it is very natural. 2.Domestic Responsibilities: People think that women should do all the household works like cooking, taking care of

Is Gender Inequality still prevailing in India?

A rather sad but true fact about India is that there is still Gender Inequality prevailing in our country. G ender inequality in India  can refer to health, education, economic and political inequalities between men and  women in India or it can be a bigger topic than this but still we need to look at this in a very serious manner.  Various international gender inequality indices rank India differently on each of these above given factors but  these indices are controversial.  Gender inequalities impact India's sex ratio, women's health over their lifetimes, their education and economic conditions.  Discrimination with women in the workplace can lead to mental health disorders.   In the workplace, women still receive 34% less wages than their male counterparts for the same work.                                     The burden of poverty weighs down heavier on girls and women in India than it does on the opposite sex. In India, girls belonging to families in the top 20% g

Top Women Freedom Fighters of India

India has a long history of Freedom Struggle in which we have seen many great figures standing up against the wrongdoings of our oppressors. Many great souls have sacrificed themselves so that we can live in a free and independent India. Many of the freedom fighters were Female which makes the freedom movements more inspiring and interesting.Today we are going to talk about various such Female freedom fighters whose lives should inspire the upcoming generations. Given below is the list of great women freedom fighters. 1.Rani Lakshmibai( 19 November 1828 – 17/18 June 1858) Lakshmibai also known as Manikarnika was an Indian queen and warrior. She was one of the leaders of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and became a symbol of resistance to the rule of the British East India Company in India. Manikarnika was born into a Maratha family at Varanasi.  She was married to Raja Gangadhar Rao, the Maharaja of Jhansi in 1842 and became the Rani of Jhansi.  British wanted to take over the

Top Women Entrepreneurs in the World

The world today is moving at a very fast speed and so are the people along with it. When we talk about entrepreneurship we always have a picture of a Man in our minds but no one looks at a woman the same way. Despite of this gender bias there are still women entrepreneurs in the world who are successful and on the top of their fields. We are going to look at some of these entrepreneurs in the list below: 1.Gina Rinehart Net Worth:$11.7 billion The Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart is the richest person in Australia and the 6th richest woman in the world, with a personal fortune of $11.7 billion.  Rinehart is the chairman of Hancock Prospecting Group, a mining company which  produces 30 million tonnes of iron ore per year. 2.Oprah Winfrey Net Worth:$3 billion Oprah is a successful actress, talk show host, producer, philanthropist. Her most successful and popular venture being ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’, which was one of the longest-running daytime talk sho