Is Gender Inequality still prevailing in India?

A rather sad but true fact about India is that there is still Gender Inequality prevailing in our country. Gender inequality in India can refer to health, education, economic and political inequalities between men and women in India or it can be a bigger topic than this but still we need to look at this in a very serious manner. Various international gender inequality indices rank India differently on each of these above given factors but these indices are controversial. Gender inequalities impact India's sex ratio, women's health over their lifetimes, their education and economic conditions. Discrimination with women in the workplace can lead to mental health disorders.  In the workplace, women still receive 34% less wages than their male counterparts for the same work.

The burden of poverty weighs down heavier on girls and women in India than it does on the opposite sex. In India, girls belonging to families in the top 20% get nine years of education on average, while girls from families in the bottom 20% get none at all. Even those who make it to school are often pulled out when money is tight, an Oxfam report said. In addition, more than 23 million girls drop out of school annually because of a lack of toilets in school and proper menstrual hygiene management facilities.

A survey of 1,000 households across the central-Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh last year revealed that people thought it was normal to criticise and beat women if they are unable to do house work properly. 
This inequality exists even in the higher levels of the society where women often make a blink and miss appearance. The report said that There are only nine women billionaires in the list, constituting just 7.5% of the Indian billionaires.
So we can conclude from all this data that there needs to be social awakening campaigns in the country to solve this problem. Educating Indian children from an early age about the importance of gender equality could be a meaningful start in that direction.


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